Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Response Peter Mathews TD, Fine Gael, Dublin South

14th April 2011

Dear Evelyn,

Thank you for your letter and please accept my apologies for the delay in replying. It took longer than expected to be allocated an office in Leinster House and I am only now catching up on a backlog of correspondence.

I read your letter with interest and I have raised this issue with the Minister for Finance by way of Parliamentary Question. Please find enclosed the response I received.

The Minister does not commit to reviewing this proposal. However, i will personally hand your letter to the Minister to ensure that the points you have raised are brought to his direct attention.

Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of help on any local or national issue.

Dail Question No. 106
To ask the Minister for Finance his plans to revisit suggestions that the excise duty on wine will be increased because many jobs have already been lost in the off-licensce industry as a result of earlier closing times, cross borders shopping and the economic downturn; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Minister for Finance ( Mr. Noonan)
As the Deputy will be aware , taxes are considered in the context of the Budget process. It is the usual practice for the Minister for Finance not to speculate in advance of a Budget on what it will contain; and I do not propose to deviate from that practice.

Response Michael NoonanTD, Minister for Finance

21 April 2011

Dear Ms. Jones,

The Minister for Finance, Mr. Michael Noonan TD, has asked me to thank you for your letter of 8 March 2011 in relation to concerns for the Off-Licence trade, and for your good wishes.

The concerns expressed in your letter will be considered in the context of any deliberations in advance of the next Budget.

Yours sincerely,
Sean Kinsella
Private Secretary to the Minister for Finance